Sincerely, Future You
This ONE Question
Last week on Sincerely, Future You, we asked the high-quality question: Am I willing to be wrong to get what I want? That’s safe enough. After all - it’s just US being wrong. But what about other people? What about your friends? What about your clients? What about that person who wrote you a bad review on Yelp?
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Jessica McKinley 00:00
Am I willing for other people to be wrong about me? What about your clients? What about the person that wrote you a bad Yelp review? Regardless of whether after digging deep and getting neutrally curious, I agree or don't agree. I always have my own back.
Jessica McKinley 00:19
Welcome to Sincerely, Future You.
Jessica McKinley 00:23
All right Happsters. Now of piggyback off of last week's high quality question, am I willing for other people to be wrong about me, other people? Last week, we talked about being wrong about ourselves? That safe enough? After all, it's just us in our brain being wrong about us? But what about other people? What about your friends? What about your clients? What about the person that wrote you a bad Yelp review? What if it wasn't a problem that someone believed your cancellation policy was unfair? Or that your product wasn't high quality? How would you respond to them if you weren't trying to fix their thoughts? There are people that are very triggered by my thoughts about money. I've had people tell me that my thoughts are rooted in white privileged, that the way I talk about money is greedy and shallow, and indicates that my priorities are out of order. I used to be very defensive about these kinds of remarks. To be honest, I'm a human too, after all, I meet them in my you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. With a worksite, and retort, resigned to help them, get it to understand me, money is important. And I still love my family, I absolutely recognize the privilege that doesn't prevent me from helping people to control their mindset and create abundance within an imperfect system that I also seek to change. I felt like I was going to battle. To be honest, I felt really disconnected from people during this time. Now that I'm willing for people to be wrong about me, I can see more clearly the conversations worth giving my energy to, and I'm actually able to open up and get curious, Are there aspects of truth in their thinking? What can I learn here? Do I want to improve a policy with this feedback? Am I pretty sure they're just confused? When I don't have the feeling of defensive in my body, I can think so much more clearly, and speak that way as well. I can be the masterful CEO that I teach my clients to be, most importantly, I can connect to and love them, and see why they might believe and what they believe. And I could do all of this and still disagree with them. It's not an either or there's space for their confusion. Because regardless of whether after digging deep and getting neutrally curious, I agree or don't agree. I always have my own back. Because at my core, I believe that I'm always making the best decisions with what I've got. Even if I should know better, I didn't. Even if I didn't know better. I wasn't thinking or feeling the proper fuel for that action. And I get to do better next time. Are you thinking in this way? Are you willing for people to be wrong about you other people, so that you have the freedom to show up as your masterful self no matter what the crazies around you are saying doing or thinking? You've got this Happter.
Jessica McKinley 03:42
Okay, Happters now you have this week's y question and your job is to answer it. Whether you're writing it down or whether you're just answering it concretely in your head. Take a moment of silence. Pause this or don't just go right to your next podcast episode. You really give your space to breathe and to think harder than you thought all week. Answer this y question. And don't forget to share with me what wins you have, what you notice about your past self, and how you are beginning to step into that future CEO that I have come to know and love. Because in the future we're friends right guys? Have a great week.
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