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202. MONEY: Tracking Annual Goals

Updated: Mar 7

It’s still January. No goal yet? No problem—pick one and roll with it.

Ever set a goal and got stuck obsessing over "tracking" toward it? We've all been there. Jess spills the beans on creative solutions, whether you're in a steady business or dealing with seasonal ups and downs.

From handling launches and seasonal changes to recalibrating goals based on real numbers, we've got your back. Jess even shares a personal setback turned success story—a $250k goal recalibrated in November.

There are countless ways to reach your goals, so don't let a monthly hiccup throw you off.

Share your journey with us on Instagram @‌jessmckinleyuyeno or leave a review. We want to hear how you're turning these insights into results!

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Keep dreaming, keep growing, and stay sincerely you!

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*This Transcript is Autogenerated*

Jessica McKinley Uyeno 0:00

I made $6,200 from that event before most of you create a graphic in Canva and that might sting Hello. But let it percolate for a minute because nothing should hype you up more than spotting an obvious easy way to level up. Welcome to sincerely future you a podcast that helps ambitious women like you and make decisions today with the future you in mind. You are listening to sincerely future you the podcast. This is your coach Jess McKinley bueno. And this is episode number 202. Today, we're going to talk to you about how your goals don't always make sense to track on a monthly linear fashion, like taking your goal for the year and just dividing it by 12. But I see so many of us do it. So how else can we do it? On this episode, we're gonna break down other ways to stay on track for an annual goal and what to do if you're not tracking. But before we dive in, we got to slap you in the face in the loveliest cartoon way possible with a truth bomb tough love hype sesh, let's go. It's time to speed up the process of turning your ideas into cash. It's 2024. And as I mentioned, we're not dicking around, okay, so some of you need to hear this message. If you have an idea that you've been sitting on for weeks for months, years, even, there is officially no amount of time that will make the offer ready for market in my early days of coaching. Like one of my very first clients, I embarrassingly, and I'm so embarrassed to admit this, but it's the truth and we're full transparent business over here. I let her work on bringing an offer to market for four months, we spent sessions on her landing page sessions on each of the modules, emails, we did a free beta test, we evaluated and reevaluated and to be honest, procrastinated, I would never let the ship fly now, because I know that your proof of concept, what you're looking for in the hypotheticals is something that you can only find out from testing in I know the difference between a perfectionist tendency, and the tendency to just look at the numbers, get everything in line, and make sure that you're putting out something that's valuable, there is a huge difference. So I'm gonna give you an example. On November 10, ish of this year, I decided, okay, I want people to get a taste of the magic of masterful CEO school. Wouldn't it be cool if it was two days, and I could sell tickets for day two to anyone? Someone actually brought this to my attention? Uh huh. I really wish I had come to a live event. I was like, That would be cool. All right. I was thinking about it in the shower. That day, I had created a landing page with a link to buy within 24 hours and started selling it. The next day, I made $6,200. From that event before most of you create a graphic in Canva. And that might sting Hello. But let it percolate for a minute because nothing should hype you up more than spotting an obvious easy way to level up. And this is your as my friend. We don't procrastinate work or deal in the hypotheticals in my coaching rooms and communities. We solve for x now and then we go test it immediately. You hear all the novelty sayings you buy cute mugs with do it scared or do it messy. But are you doing it scared and messy? This is why I'm always mind blown when people tell me that they need to wait to feel called or wait six more months so that they can be ready to be in the masterful CEO school or the splashpad. There is not a single one of you that can't afford to be in the splashpad. How do I know because I've created offers that you can't afford not to buy, it actually costs you more money, waiting six months or one month or even one week than it does to buy it. Even if you put $999 that it cost to buy the lifetime course of the splashpad on your credit card. You wouldn't be able to get this feedback, implement it and make that back before it even hit your statement. What are we doing people stop slowing yourself down at every turn. You're going to do the math. And so the questions reverse engineer the plan. rip the band aid today on the lay people. Okay your hype it's time to dive into today's episode on money. If you're new to the show, welcome. We talk about three things here time, money and CEO drama and today we're going to talk about Mona Mona. Mona Mona. It's January 15. As we're recording this, so by now you should have a revenue goal for 2024 and be working towards creating it if you don't have yet don't spin out, simply pick one, there are no write goals, goals are just arbitrary numbers that keep our brain focused on creating solutions. So if you're listening to this from the future, or and it's August or something, you can use this concept to simply create towards your rolling 12 month goal. That just means any 12 months into the future, not a calendar year, people get so obsessed with what they're doing within a calendar year. And I think your rolling 12 months should always be the indicator of how you're doing. So if it's July, July to July, that's what matters not just January to July, okay, or not starting next January. Too often, I help a client set up a goal only for them to spend the next quarter obsessing over the fact that they're not tracking towards their goal. So what does this mean, we need to break it down so that you understand what it actually means to not be tracking towards something I have had many years where my highest earning quarter was q4. In fact, I had one q4, that was double any other quarter, I wonder how I would have showed up. And if I would have been able to create that result. If I believed I'm not on track, that that when we think that that leads to us phoning it in as waiting for the new year as lowering our goals, or just justifying instead of buckling down and finding a creative solution in the next level of our grit, dividing a goal in 12 months, truly, it's the simplest way to do it. So let's talk about that option. First, if you have a goal of $100,000 that you want to make, or a million dollars that you want to make, if you took that you divided it by 12, you have your number of what you need to earn in a month, I believe 100k divided by 12 is $1,333. I know I've had that goal for for a couple of years in the beginning of my business. So that number always pops out. And the next level like if you're thinking about if you have a steady general offer, like let's say you own a restaurant that isn't affected by seasonal weather or tourism, or you have a one on one service, that's always an equal demand.

This might make sense to do that. It's how I did it when I was selling one on one coaching only. And my goal was to be sold out. I was always selling right I had equal revenue opportunity from January through December. So when I divided my goal by 12, I felt like that was a good measure of if I was tracking now it did not at all mean that I couldn't have a $0 month and then have other months offset. Of course, that is how it ends up going. The point is to make a simple plan for your brain so that it sees, okay, I'm not tracking something needs to shift or the goal needs to be higher, I can't have a zero month January and then expect to continue to have the same month goals month over month are all coming under. So I need to adjust. It's just a thermostat showing you where you need to adjust. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to divide the goal and 12. So we talked about some examples of when it does make sense. So if that's you great, but if you have a business that does launches, you're going to watch you set goals that make sense monthly and quarterly in a way that reflects when you're launching. I know this sounds simple and obvious, as I'm saying it, but I don't see too many of you guys doing this, it makes sense because the brain really likes to see linear math, we just like it we want it to track we want it to be even we want it to be like fit into these perfect boxes. And even if it doesn't make sense, we have to get our brain on board. So now I have a business that operates in launches masterful CEO school launches two times a year for if you count pre enrollments too. And now I do. So I want to plan for that and my revenue goals. If I divided my 450k goal that I have this year for 2024. In 12, it would mean 37 and a half k per month. But the truth is, I want to create more than that in launch months and accommodate for less than that in non lunchbots. Then what happens is when I have that first so I first saw for the launches, I'm saying okay, I want the launch period to account for let's say 300k of my revenue of my annual revenue to come of my 40 $50,000 goal three educator that I want to come from my launches. Then I break it down between the two launches to accommodate for some pre launches, and I see where those fall. So I'm setting those to be a part of those month goals. So let's say I pre launch in January, and then I launch in March, I pre launch in July, and I launch again in September, those months are going to be 300k divided by four. So it'll be 75k. In those months now, I also have payment plans. So it's not for me, it might we want to start to get overwhelmed here, don't, don't worry, we can still just say, Okay, well, that just means that I'll have an influx, maybe a couple of painful, there'll be more, so maybe I don't want the full 75k to hit in those months. But maybe I'll just say that, instead of dividing it by four, because my goal divided by four, I believe, is 32. Yeah, 32,500 a month. Instead, in my launch month, I'll have it be more like 50. And then I'll have the rest offset. And what this does, is your brain immediately has a math equation to solve for our brain loves simple math. Even those of you who don't like math, your brain, who is your feet should be your favorite employee by now. Or second favorite. If you have an assistant like Janelle, begin, it begins to fill in the gaps. So as as Okay, so we've got 50k here 50k. So we actually have 200k accommodated for, there's 250k left, so we divide that by 12. And we just say from the other random things, not random things, right. So splashpad is a rolling offer, I can have people enroll all year round. If we account for some of that my one on one offers, as my one on one clients finish, I can sell another one on one spot. I can also sell events, I can think of new fun places where I can sell boot camps. And I can start to create and have fun, last week's episode, right where you're talking all about fun. And I can start to create offers in the months when I'm not launching, I also will begin to ask, okay, well, I don't always want to be selling and launching just because I have the time. When do I truly want to be off, I get back to those time questions. And I start to work in that ebb and flow. It really feels balanced. It feels fun. So I'll say when do I want to truly be off? Okay, maybe I want to be off for three weeks in December for the holidays. Maybe I want to be off for three weeks in the summer, if I'm off for those six weeks. Okay, do I want to be earning less than those months? How can I offset those months? Or high quality question? How can I create more passive revenue so that I'm selling and there's more like runoff revenue into that month, instead of just saying, okay, if I'm not putting in the hours, I'm not going to create the revenue time and money are not interlinked in such a solid way. Right. Okay. So that's how I would do it. If I had a launch business. I do. But that's how I do it. But if you have a launch business, this is how you're going to want to do it. There are also seasonal businesses. So now I don't fully subscribe to the fact that there are seasonal businesses, but I know that it's industry standard, right? If you're in the wedding industry, there are certain seasons where people tend to get engaged and be talking about weddings more than tend to want to have their weddings, fine, fine, fine. Yes. Do people get engaged all year round? And are people buying all year round? Yes, but fine. We also want to throw our throw our brain a bone and account for some of that off the bat to make our goal setting easier. Let's say you're a tax accountant, for example, you're probably not going to get an influx of clients in June or July, because it's right after taxes. And people don't want to be thinking about taxes at all over the summer. But you're probably going to get a ton of influx in December and January, February, March, April, right because that is when people are in the tax season. So like I said, you if you have a seasonal business, you're going to want to set up your goals monthly so that it makes sense in tracking towards your annual goal. And then if once you're setting it up in that way you're not tracking during the high season, we still don't give up we can always solve for x, but we want to give our brain all of the strategies to set it up for having the easiest receiving and then we'll solve for all the hard parts afterwards. So whether you have a general Equal Opportunity offer January through December, whether you're in launches or you have a seasonal business, you are always going to be re evaluating and then comparing your x tools with your goals. I have had my bookkeeper Natalie on this podcast, I would absolutely go back and listen to that episode where we talk about future focus accounting, where we talk about projection reporting. And I shared how we had worked together to create a plan where I could see and I asked her, Hey, can you compare my actuals, to what I'm need to be projecting to earn? So let's say it's April, and I'm setting it for May, she will tell me what I've earned from January to April, and then not just past focus account, we're all about that future life, that future focus, we take those numbers and we say, okay to be on track for my goal for the year, what do I now need to do in May? Does anything need to change from our original plan? And to we'll have a conversation, she might suggest, okay, we want to up it, you know, divide by the rest of the months. And I might say, okay, you know what, nevermind, maybe we want to add in another offer. Or maybe it would feel more luxurious to add in a another pre launch or a bonus, or a bootcamp or maybe it makes sense to raise a price of something. And so there's so many different ways that we can solve for x. But you won't even think to do that if you're not reevaluating and comparing your actuals. This is the part of the math that I don't want you to skip out on. Because this whole episode is about making sure that you're not thinking about your numbers in a way that puts you in a box, because you can look at something that's happening this month and say, Okay, it's time to shift. It's why I went from having her give me my bookkeeping annually, to then doing it quarterly to then doing it monthly to then doing it weekly. I was like, hey, I

want to know, am I tracking this week towards my monthly goal? Does anything have to shift this week that dial up? Now we want to recalculate your goals, I'm always recalibrating to the equation. That is That means partnering with reality, not making it mean anything. I was not on track for my 250k goal in November. So I did two things. I created and sold the live event for masterful CEO school day two, I told you about that. And I gave my clients a fun pre pre enrollment ring bonus, if they put down a 1k deposit in December, even though it wasn't a part of the pre enrollment strategy. It felt fun. And it was a creative way to solve for x so that we could stay on track for their goals and see what is possible blow our own mind. We want to make sure that we have aligned thoughts. We're not just throwing crazy offers out there just because we feel like we have to have to create a goal. It feels fun to do. So what ways still keep me aligned with my values and still keep me in a place of service. I hope this episode is lighting you up and making you think about math and money in a new light. But before we let you go, we got a shout out the client of the week and that is Tina. Tina is a one on one client of mine and she is a professional organizer. And she has shown up since day one of our coaching we're only a couple of weeks. And I think we've had our third session today. In total new energy she is constantly sharing her wins and celebrating in in a daily way. It's so fun. She is in an all in mentality. That mentality that I was talking to you guys about last week where I just wonder right? Are you toe dipping? Or are you all in on your goals and if you are going to pursue a big life and a big business, you got to make sure that your mind and your body and your actions are all in alignment and they're matching and that's what it is to be all in. Tina is doing that she is already tracking in month one towards him her impossible goal we've talked about how this is so rare, we're usually not tracking linearly but she is because she's attract attacking her goals from air, land and sea. She is raising her prices to match her luxury service and goal she's simplifying the customer journey to buying a we worked on that we cut out all the clutter and all of the ways that she was people pleasing her clients into not bothering them into her offers when the truth is she knows that her perfect people they need this. They want this they're ready. And she's zoning in on the value of specific offers and then selling her face off with them. I was so proud of you, Tina, it's been so fun to watch you show up and blow your own mind. of what's possible. Keep inspiring us. There are too many ways to reach your goals for you to let a little thing like your monthly goal, not tracking perfectly towards your annual goal. Get in the way. Let the map catch up with your vision. Keep looking at the numbers. Don't avoid them. Don't you know sweep them under the rug. Look at them logically find creative solutions and solve for x. Go have a kick ass weekend and then tell me about it. Connect with me over on Instagram at Jess McKinley bueno. That's jessMCKINLEYUYENO, or leave us a review and let us know how you're taking this work and turning it into results turning yourself into a masterful CEO. That version of future you that we all know is just waiting to slap you on the back, give you a high five a little smooch and say, I always knew you could do it. We'll see you next week.

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